Monday, January 18, 2010

Stop @ Cumby's

Cumby's is an interesting place to stop. In one moment, there may be all kinds of things going on. People coming in, people going out, people quietly converging around the coffee dispenser for their caffeine fix. At different times of day, there are different types and numbers of people. Everyone goes to Cumby's, the man in the suit to the woman with her pajamas still on. One curious site was 2 women preparing their coffee, dressed with leather jackets and their sunglasses on early in the morning. I don't think they were famous and the fluorescent lights weren't really that bright. Hmm. What were they up to? I thought. Another day, an older man was diggin' in the trash and scanning intensely all around the building. "Does that guy need something to eat," I asked the store attendant. "Ah, no he's just looking for scratch tickets." She said nonchalantly, as if it was a common occurrence. Speaking of scratch tickets, wow, someone is getting rich off of them around here. Many times I wait patiently to make my purchase behind someone who is carefully selecting out their tickets from the lot Cumby's has to choose from. And, although the cashiers I asked said a few big winners have scored here, I'm thinking more is spent than paid out. The other nite someone actually crashed into the Cumby's sign out front, coming from direction of the intersection. How the heck did that happen? Accidents are always strange. Here, there's good times, there's bad times. Sometimes someone is telling another all about their life's drama, right there loud enough for others to hear, complete with F-bombs. Other times, it seems as though a happy reunion has just taken place. Cumby's is a place to consider dropping in if in need of a coffee, some smokes, or some scratch tickets. I stop for a cheap soda--a chill zone! Having cut way back on the stuff, I will occasionally indulge. All in all, out of all the convenience stores, this particular Cumby's has some of the best staff I've ever experienced in a convenience store. I must say, I love it.

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