Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't Feel So Good

Ugh! What did I eat? I tried some prepackaged, frozen stuff tonight and it isn't sitting well with me. With regret I think, why did I eat that? I let myself off the hook, telling myself, how would I have known that was going to make me feel sick to my stomach? Needless to say, I won't be purchasing that product again. I try to sleep it off but, I keep waking. I lay this way, I lay that way. I sit up, I lay back down. Nah, that's not working. I try self-massage and acupressure points which works some. Being somewhat propped up and laying on the left side helps too. I need something more though. Time goes by. I try to tell myself, I feel good. But, I don't believe it! Not being one to resort quickly to medication, I finally decide on some tasty milk of magnesia. I make the trek to the medicine cabinet. Oh no! There's only a drop left! I shake out what I can and take that less-than-recommended dose in. Relax. I try to get my mind off it but, it's not working. Maybe, I should get up. Maybe, the computer will distract me, get my mind off it. Maybe, the warmth of the laptop on my stomach will simulate a hot-water bottle and soothe my condition. So, here I am writing about it! So much for getting my mind off of it. Wow, there's some interesting advice for nausea on the Internet. One site even recommends putting onions slices in your armpits! Gotta love it. I don't think I'll be trying that one tonight. Many of these remedies are things that need to be prepared for in advance. Hey, when you're feeling good, you're probably not thinking about stocking up for the next nauseous experience. At least, I'm not. I'll probably forget all about this episode by the next time I'm at the store. Or, feeling so much better, I'll put off bothering to buy any necessary related products. Hence, the reason I have no milk of magnesia! As I'm writing this though, something happens. I have a revelation--an aha moment! I'm starting to feel better as I'm writing about it. And then, I recall the idea of living in the moment, allowing, facing my circumstance and no longer resisting it. Resistance is what causes more difficulty. Once I started to stop resisting my condition I started to feel better. Ha, imagine that.

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