Friday, January 22, 2010

Not Just For Politicians

What is it with people who avoid answering the questions they were asked? Do they realize what they are doing? Why can't they simply answer the question and just be done with it? Are they not hearing my words? Maybe, I will say it another way. Still no avail. Okay, I will word it another way. Wow! This question is not really that difficult a question and can only be worded so many ways. I will have to emphasize that I am asking a question, point the question out, and ask them to answer this specific question and hope this will do the trick. Should I add, please? Oh no! Such work to just get some frivolous information. It isn't even about anything potentially scandalous. I wonder if it is even worth the hassle. Probably not. On top of the fact that my particular question went unanswered for some time, I was also subjected to listening to the person go on and on about something related to the situation but not what I was looking to hear about. My question only requested a yes or no answer. Should I cut them off or, do I stand here and listen to this? What are the rules of etiquitte on this issue? Where do my boundaries come in? Must I subject myself to listening to all this stuff?

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