Friday, January 22, 2010

How Did I End Up Here?

Just admit it, living with someone else isn't easy. It doesn't matter if the person is a sibling, a friend, a relative, or a lover. The potential towards annoyance is there regardless. I'm sure there's times when people do things intentionally to get at the other. But, realistically, there's times when they're probably not doing the annoying things on purpose. Giving them the benefit of the doubt is meant for sanity sake. For real. Face it, that's just the way they do their thing. I admit, at times, it can really seem as though what they're doing seems selfish and it does get on your nerves. What we feel is real, and our feelings are valid. If we don't like something another is doing, we just don't like it. But again, most likely, that's just them doing their thing. Simple as that. And, that sucks. What can you say? If you complain then it seems like you're being the selfish one, expecting everyone to conform to your ways! There are things you do your way, and then, there are things they do their way, the two shall converge. Yes, annoying activities go both ways. Just as one can brighten up another's day, another can also drag another's mood down. Somehow, we must learn to live in harmony together. Ultimately, one will have to give. Much will go unsaid, for the sake of maintaining peace. Strength is needed to not blow a fuse! I've had the learning experience of living in many different scenarios. By far, the most difficult has been going back to living with a parent who is now elderly and needs assistance. The floor can be made of many more eggshells than could've been thought up at the start of this endeavor. This makes for an even more stressful situation to live in on a daily basis. Finding ways to deal with this stress has found it's way to the forefront. At this point, there are many things I don't like that I'll have to just deal with. There's not much room for negotiating and discussing things with my particular roomate. Already I have learned that would only add to the stress level more than rectify anything. For now, I will have to man up. I made the choice to do this thing, let's do it.

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