Friday, January 22, 2010

Not Just Window Shopping

I went to the grocery store this evening. I had to pick up some of the favs. Not being of the rush-in and rush-out sort, I took my time. I went here and there and back again. Hoping to remember all that I wanted before I checked out. I even got to sample Boar's Head, my favorite deli meat. For me, it's Boar's Head all the way. Mmmm, yummy! Next, I decided to take a trip down the frozen-food aisle. I do purchase and appreciate frozen vegetable items picked at the peak of ripeness and frozen for our convienience. However, as I was window shopping, I had roamed down to the prepared, frozen-food section. I found myself captivated by the photos on the packages. Hmmm, that looks good. Oh, and that does too. What's that there? I thought. It was a minute before I realized what was going on. Oh, the deception! I was being sucked in by the marketing. I soon remembered how eating a prepared, frozen-food item had me feeling just nights earlier. Falling for the whole picture on the packaging thing could be the death of me! (Not really, but it sounded perfect here for the dramatics of this story). What am I doing here? Why am I looking at this stuff and even considering it again? I have seen Food, Inc. I must stop the insanity! I will not fall for the perfect pictures of the prepared food packages. I will not fall for the perfect pictures of the prepared food packages. I will not fall for the perfect pictures of the prepared food packages! I'm outta here!

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